Saturday, September 20, 2008

Our Dossier is in Bulgaria

Well, once again it seems as though forever ago that I posted last. Believe me when I say that it seems like forever that we've been in this adoption process....

Our Dossier was officially fed-exed to Bulgaria in early September. There was a lot of running around for last minute documents to complete it, but we did it! In a matter of a few short weeks from now, we should be registered with the MOJ. From there, it will be just a matter of waiting for our referral which could be right away or could take a year. We just don't know.

We did wire money to the attorney's office in Bulgaria (Bulgaria adoption agency) for the translation and legal work to submit to the MOJ. We are keeping our fingers crossed that everything will run smoothly and that we won't need to do a lot of updating on documents while we're in process.

I have been following other blogs and it seems as though there are a lot of others who also submitted their dossiers within the past few months. My thoughts and prayers are also with them that they soon find their children. It will be interesting to follow their blogs. When I start hearing about referrals coming through, I will finally begin to see light at the end of this long tunnel!

On a totally unrelated matter to our adoption, we are going to be busy today canning salsa! I love this time of year.... Jim and his buddy planted 162 tomato plants this spring and it looks to be another bountiful harvest! Our weather has been a little goofy this year, so we still have many green tomatoes on the vine, but plenty of ripe tomatoes to start canning. Looks like it will be about 3 back to back weekends of canning. The first two weekends will be salsa and the last weekend V-8 ( or in our case more like V-12) juice. What is so great about all of this is everything is from the garden, nothing store bought.

I hope everyone is doing well, and believe me, once we hear more you will be the first to know! Take care!


Chris Haven said...

Hi Robbin and Jim, nice to see your update. It does look like we are on the same timeline. Our email address is I would love to see pics of your nursery. We haven't started our son's room yet, probably after Christmas I will start.I wish there were some referrels coming through so it felt like something was happening. Oh well.

Anonymous said...

Congrats! Waiting is hard, hang in there!!! Its worth it.

Proud mom of 18 year old Velizar adopted from Shumen Bulgaria in 1993 and 15 year old Anton adopted from Gabrovo Bulgaria in 1995.

Chris Haven said...

Hi again. Wondering if you have heard from your agency as to whether your dossier has been registered yet. I plan to call my agency Halloween day:)It should be registerd by then I would hope. Thinking of you guys.